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有关 Chrysalix Energy Venture Capital<\/b>(只有英文版本)<\/span><\/p> \n

Chrysalix is one of the longest standing pure-play sustainable innovation and alternative energy venture capital firms. The firm provides early-stage financing, hands-on assistance and strategic connections to innovation companies confronting the world’s most important energy and environmental issues. Chrysalix is consistently ranked among the most active sustainable innovation venture capital firms globally. Founded in Vancouver, Canada<\/span> in 2001, Chrysalix has one of the strongest investment teams in the industry with deep energy, technology and entrepreneurial expertise, and is backed by more than 20 international blue chip industrial and financial investors. For more information, please visit chrysalix.com.<\/p> \n

自成立以来,我们透过发展重点科技领域,包括电子、资讯及通讯科技、绿色科技、生物医药、物料及精密工程,带领香港成为地区的创新及科技枢纽。为协助科技公司孕育意念、创新及发展,我们提供科研设施及基础建设,设置市场主导的实验室及技术中心,并附设技术支援服务。我们亦提供多项增值服务及专为新创科技企业而设的创业培育计划,支援全面,协助他们加快发展业务。<\/p> \n

驻扎于科学园的科技企业能够透过我们的专业服务及科研设施,进行应用研究及产品开发;从事设计的企业可以于创新中心获得设计相关的支援;而技术密集型的企业则可受惠于大埔、将军澳及元朗三个工业邨所提供的服务。如欲获取更多详情,可浏览:www.hkstp.org<\/a>。<\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();